South Africa | Public health professionals call on government for climate leadership

South Africa | Public health professionals call on government for climate leadership

A group of prominent South African public health experts and practitioners has written to Finance Minister Tito Mboweni calling for stronger leadership from the South African government on climate, energy and health in building a post-COVID-19 South Africa.

In a letter to Minister Mboweni on 14 September 2020, the Climate, Energy and Health Special Interest Group of the Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) writes that it is necessary to act now to combat climate change and build a new, resilient economy. The Special Interest Group has appealed to Minister …

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International health group calls for ban on coal, urges action by governments and institutions

International health group calls for ban on coal, urges action by governments and institutions

Calling coal a “lethal product,” the World Federation of Public Health Associations issued a Call to Ban Coal for Electricity Production.

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Canada | Health Organizations Call for Faster Transition to Renewable Energies

Canada | Health Organizations Call for Faster Transition to Renewable Energies

Media Release – Toronto, April 18, 2018  The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) and nine other Canadian health organizations are calling on the Federal Government to phase-out coal plants with less reliance on natural gas.

“All ten health organizations strongly support the 2030 phase-out of Canada’s coal-fired power plants because of the many health benefits it will create for Canadians and for the leadership it demonstrates in international fora where climate solutions are discussed” offered Dr. Joe Vipond, Board Member with CAPE.  “However, …

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India | Doctors urge Environment Minister to strengthen health action in proposed National Clean Air Program

National Clean Air Program: Need more than just research, say experts
At least 25 public health professionals from leading institutes have written to the Environment Ministry.

Source: Shweta Narayan of Health Energy Initiative – India, as published in The News Minute. The story has been picked up by a wire service and syndicated to news outlets around the country. See one such article in Business Standard.

As the last date for submitting comments on the draft National Clean Air Program (NCAP) by Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) …

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Global | Powering Past Coal: Treating the climate with coal phase-out

Global | Powering Past Coal: Treating the climate with coal phase-out

Courtney Howard, president-elect of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, at the release of the Canada brief of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, at the CHEO hospital on Nov. 2 in Ottawa. Photo by Alex Tétreault

During the UN Climate Negotiations at COP23 in Bonn, Germany, Canada and the UK announced the Powering Past Coal Alliance with 25 other governments from around the world to accelerate the global phase-out of coal-fired power plants.

The alliance highlighted the health effects of coal in both its declaration and …

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India | Health professionals urge implementation of power plant standards to protect public health

A group of public health professionals and medical doctors sent a letter of concern to the Indian Environment Minister — who is a medical doctor himself — in response to recent reports that the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEFCC) is in the process of diluting and extending deadlines for critical air emission and water use norms for thermal power plants that were announced in December 2015 and are being phased in during 2017.

The letter emphasized the importance of strict air emission norms to protect public …

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Europe | Healthy Energy Position Paper launched at 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

Europe | Healthy Energy Position Paper launched at 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

via the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the Healthy Energy Initiative’s partner in Europe

Check out HEAL’s brand new Healthy Energy Paper in English, Polish and Czech, launched at the 6th Environment and Health conference organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Ostrava, Czech Republic! We are looking into the health risks and opportunities different energy sources and also energy savings imply.

At HEAL, our goals are phasing out fossil fuels …

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India | Health sector leaders launch Health and Environment Leadership Platform; call for urgent action on air pollution

India | Health sector leaders launch Health and Environment Leadership Platform; call for urgent action on air pollution

Gurgaon, India: Representatives of more than 5,000 healthcare institutions and several thousand healthcare professionals around the country that form the Health and Environment Leadership Platform (HELP) released a joint statement today calling for concerted action to reduce air pollution in India.

The statement called on “all relevant stakeholders to take immediate and sustainable action to improve India’s air quality and ameliorate its impacts on health”. The statement also noted that “if India is to realize the value of its demographic dividend, it will need to tackle the …

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Global | Health Care Without Harm supports World Medical Association’s call for divestment

Global | Health Care Without Harm supports World Medical Association’s call for divestment

During its annual assembly in Taiwan, the World Medical Association (WMA) called on health organizations to divest from fossil fuel based companies and to invest in companies that uphold environmental principles consistent with United Nations policy. Health Care Without Harm supports the WMA’s call for divest and similarly urges health care organizations around the world to move towards clean energy solutions.

Given the energy intensive nature of its operations, health care has a moral responsibility to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. By investing in clean …

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UK | Health professionals call for joined-up approach to climate change and air pollution

UK | Health professionals call for joined-up approach to climate change and air pollution

The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change – representing 600,000 doctors, nurses and allied health professionals – has urged the Government to protect the public’s health by implementing its pledge to phase-out coal power.

In its inaugural report entitled A Breath of Fresh Air: Addressing Climate Change and Air Pollution Together for Health published on October 18, the Alliance argued that approaches to addressing both challenges simultaneously will create much greater health benefits and cost-savings than strategies which address them separately.

Professor John Middleton, President of the …

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