India | Health care sector rises to the dual challenge of air pollution and climate change

India | Health care sector rises to the dual challenge of air pollution and climate change

Health Care Without Harm’s initiatives on air pollution and climate change have entered a time of dynamic growth around the world, as evidenced by our collaborative work in India. On a recent visit to India, Health Care Without Harm’s global team participated in three key activities organized by our partners that represented significant advances in the work in terms of scale and opportunity – at the central and state government level, with diverse actors in the health sector, and at the local and community level …

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India | Op-ed: Public health in times of environmental pollution

India | Op-ed: Public health in times of environmental pollution

The draft National Clean Air Programme has lofty goals, but falls short on three key counts

Source: Bhargav Krishna and Dr. K. Srinath Reddy of the Public Health Foundation of India, excerpted from the Hindu Business Line. 

The World Health Organization recently released its updated Ambient Air Pollution database, noting that over 90 per cent of the global population lives in areas with poor air quality. Unsurprisingly, India figures prominently on the list with 14 of the top 15 cities showing the highest levels of annual average PM2.5 (particulates …

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Global & India | “State of Global Air” reveals India’s worsening air pollution in global context

Global & India | “State of Global Air” reveals India’s worsening air pollution in global context

The State of Global Air, a new report and interactive website launched by the Health Effects Institute and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, provides a comprehensive, yet succinct, source of trusted information on the levels of and trends in global air pollution, its sources, and its impact on public health.

Among other findings, the report shows that over 90% of the world’s population live in areas where fine particle levels exceed global air quality guidelines, and that India has surpassed China in the unenviable position of having …

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India | Health sector leaders launch Health and Environment Leadership Platform; call for urgent action on air pollution

India | Health sector leaders launch Health and Environment Leadership Platform; call for urgent action on air pollution

Gurgaon, India: Representatives of more than 5,000 healthcare institutions and several thousand healthcare professionals around the country that form the Health and Environment Leadership Platform (HELP) released a joint statement today calling for concerted action to reduce air pollution in India.

The statement called on “all relevant stakeholders to take immediate and sustainable action to improve India’s air quality and ameliorate its impacts on health”. The statement also noted that “if India is to realize the value of its demographic dividend, it will need to tackle the …

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India | National Meeting on Climate, Energy and Health

India | National Meeting on Climate, Energy and Health

Indian launch event for the report of the Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change

October 26th, 2015 – India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Report from the Public Health Foundation of India

The National Meeting on Climate Change and Health was the Indian launch event for the report of the Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change and was supported by Health Care without Harm (HCWH) and the Lancet Commission. The purpose of this meeting was to generate awareness about the health impacts of climate change, to emphasize the …

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