South Africa | Book Chapter: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health in South Africa

South Africa | Book Chapter: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health in South Africa

Rico Euripidou of groundWork, the Healthy Energy Initiative’s partner in South Africa, co-authored a chapter on “Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health in South Africa,” in a recently published book on Climate Change and Air Pollution: The Impact on Human Health in Developed and Developing Countries. Other co-authors include members of the Public Health Association of South Africa’s Climate, Energy and Health (CEH) Special Interest Group.


Climate change and air pollution pose significant short-term and long-term health risks to South Africans due to the carbon intensity of …

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South Africa | Report: Coal Plants Cause 2,200 Premature Deaths and Cost $2 Billion Annually

South Africa | Report: Coal Plants Cause 2,200 Premature Deaths and Cost $2 Billion Annually

Air pollution from coal-fired power stations kills more than 2,200 South Africans every year, and causes thousands of cases of bronchitis and asthma in adults and children annually. This costs the country more than R30 billion annually, through hospital admissions and lost working days.

These findings were presented by UK-based air quality and health expert Dr. Mike Holland to the Department of Environmental Affairs, members of the Environmental Affairs and Health Portfolio Committees, and to the Public Health Association of South Africa in September 2017.

Dr. Holland told decision-makers that …

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India | Toxic metals contaminate villages near coal facilities in Chhattisgarh

India | Toxic metals contaminate villages near coal facilities in Chhattisgarh

The air, water, soil, and sediment in and around several villages in the Raigarh district in Chhattisgarh state are severely contaminated with various toxic heavy metals, according to a new report by Healthy Energy Initiative’s partner in India, Community Environmental Monitoring, along with a local community group.

The environmental sampling and testing was undertaken to investigate complaints of severe pollution and health problems from the coal mines, thermal power plants, and coal ash ponds by the residents of the region.

These findings strengthen the evidence that coal-fired power generation …

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Global | Report quantifies cost of fossil fuel subsidies on human health

Global | Report quantifies cost of fossil fuel subsidies on human health

“World governments make citizens pay billions to destroy their own health”

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the Healthy Energy Initiative partner in Europe, has launched the report Hidden Price Tags: How ending fossil fuel subsidies would benefit our health providing the first-ever comparison of fossil fuel subsidies and the costs to health associated with air pollution from fossil fuels.

HEAL found that the health costs associated with fossil fuels are over six times higher than fossil fuel subsidies. The report also spotlights how fossil fuel …

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Global | New World Bank Report Calls for Health Sector Leadership on Climate

Global | New World Bank Report Calls for Health Sector Leadership on Climate

Geneva— The World Bank Group’s health and climate directors released a report today establishing a new framework for health systems in every country to become leaders in addressing climate change. The report is a joint production with Health Care Without Harm (1).

In its title, the report coins the term Climate-Smart Health Care, an approach that sets forth both low-carbon and resilience strategies. These strategies are designed for the development community, ministries of health, hospitals and health systems to deploy while addressing the health impacts of …

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Global & India | “State of Global Air” reveals India’s worsening air pollution in global context

Global & India | “State of Global Air” reveals India’s worsening air pollution in global context

The State of Global Air, a new report and interactive website launched by the Health Effects Institute and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, provides a comprehensive, yet succinct, source of trusted information on the levels of and trends in global air pollution, its sources, and its impact on public health.

Among other findings, the report shows that over 90% of the world’s population live in areas where fine particle levels exceed global air quality guidelines, and that India has surpassed China in the unenviable position of having …

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Global | 300 million children breathe toxic air, UNICEF reports

Global | 300 million children breathe toxic air, UNICEF reports

A new UNICEF report reveals that almost one in seven of the world’s children – or 300 million in total – live in areas with the most toxic levels of outdoor air pollution. These pollution levels are six or more times higher than what is allowed by international guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The findings come a week ahead of the COP 22 in Marrakesh, Morocco, where UNICEF is calling on world leaders to take urgent action to cut air pollution in their …

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UK | Health professionals call for joined-up approach to climate change and air pollution

UK | Health professionals call for joined-up approach to climate change and air pollution

The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change – representing 600,000 doctors, nurses and allied health professionals – has urged the Government to protect the public’s health by implementing its pledge to phase-out coal power.

In its inaugural report entitled A Breath of Fresh Air: Addressing Climate Change and Air Pollution Together for Health published on October 18, the Alliance argued that approaches to addressing both challenges simultaneously will create much greater health benefits and cost-savings than strategies which address them separately.

Professor John Middleton, President of the …

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Global | 92% of the world’s population exposed to excessive air pollution, WHO says

Global | 92% of the world’s population exposed to excessive air pollution, WHO says

A new World Health Organization (WHO) air quality model confirms that 92% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality levels exceed WHO limits. Information is presented via interactive maps, highlighting areas within countries that exceed WHO limits.

“The new WHO model shows countries where the air pollution danger spots are, and provides a baseline for monitoring progress in combatting it,” says Dr Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director General at WHO. It also represents the most detailed outdoor (or ambient) air pollution-related health data, by …

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Australia | Healthcare professionals concerned about climate impacts, says survey

Australia | Healthcare professionals concerned about climate impacts, says survey

A survey conducted by the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA), Health Care Without Harm’s Healthy Energy Initiative partner in Australia, reveal overwhelming concern among Australian healthcare stakeholders regarding the lack of a national strategy to protect Australians from the health impacts of global warming.

In this new report, more than 130 peak health bodies, unions and health professionals – including doctors, nurses, midwives, public health practitioners and psychologists – were asked to evaluate the health sector’s preparedness for the impacts of climate change.

The results uncovered major gaps and widespread concerns, revealing:

Health professionals …

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