Global | Report quantifies cost of fossil fuel subsidies on human health

2017.07.27 Hidden Price Tags_cover

“World governments make citizens pay billions to destroy their own health”

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the Healthy Energy Initiative partner in Europe, has launched the report Hidden Price Tags: How ending fossil fuel subsidies would benefit our health providing the first-ever comparison of fossil fuel subsidies and the costs to health associated with air pollution from fossil fuels.

HEAL found that the health costs associated with fossil fuels are over six times higher than fossil fuel subsidies. The report also spotlights how fossil fuel subsidies in seven countries could be re-allocated to benefit public health.

Learn more:

● New HEAL report shows how fossil fuel subsidies support an industry that causes premature deaths, ill-health and huge health costs worldwide, in stark contrast to Paris Agreement
● Health costs associated with fossil fuels are over six times higher than subsidies: 2,758 billion vs 444 billion USD
● HEAL urges policymakers to end fossil fuel subsidies for the sake of health, using freed public funds instead to support healthy energy or health care investments

Read more and download the report from HEAL

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