South Africa | Health sector must join debate on climate change

South Africa | Health sector must join debate on climate change

It must amplify message after reports that global air pollution is behind many deaths

Op-ed by Rico Euripidou, groundWork, Healthy Energy Initiative partner in South Africa, published in The Mercury, October 14, 2019

The time is now for the health sector to join the environmental and climate debate!

A report has confirmed that the health impacts of coal-fired power plants in South Africa create a substantial burden on human health, leading to 2 239 equivalent attributable deaths annually. | African News Agency

For community people air pollution has since the …

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Europe | #BeyondCoal: Launch of healthy energy campaign

Europe | #BeyondCoal: Launch of healthy energy campaign

On September 24, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) launched the Prescription for a Healthy Energy Future for Europe, to shine a light on the health benefits the transformation of the energy sector will bring, and bring to the forefront those areas where change is urgently needed. We will eventually include transport and food production as well.

Over the next weeks, HEAL will be showcasing evidence and stories of 20 of Europe’s most health-problematic coal power plants, and developing solutions together with health experts and those …

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India | Report reveals respiratory health burden of traffic police in Chennai

India | Report reveals respiratory health burden of traffic police in Chennai

The workplace of Traffic Police Personnel – the public streets – are highly polluted with various sources such as vehicular emissions, road dust, residential and commercial construction, industries, dump yards, etc. Thus, they are vulnerable to long term and continuous exposure to pollutants. Assessing their respiratory health will speak volumes about the brunt of air pollution that they are exposed to. In this context, Huma Lung Foundation, a member of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals and Doctors For Clean Air, conducted the radiographic screening for the Traffic Police Personnel …

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India | Report documents dangerous air quality in Raipur, Chhattisgarh

India | Report documents dangerous air quality in Raipur, Chhattisgarh

The State Health Resource Center and Doctors For Clean Air – Chhattisgarh have released a new report assessing the air quality, particularly the heavy metal content, in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. The report was released by SHRC in a meeting of governmental officials, doctors and public health specialists, at the office of State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Chhattisgarh.

The report found that levels of iron, zinc, lead, nickel and manganese in Raipur were several times higher than in a large city in the U.S., indicating that the city’s overall air quality is poor. Furthermore, the …

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India | Report Assesses Health System Response to Kerala Floods of August 2018

India | Report Assesses Health System Response to Kerala Floods of August 2018

The Kerala floods of 2018 offered a unique opportunity to appraise the challenges within the health sector and also redesign the health sector to be an anchor for communities in an event of any extreme climatic event in the future.

Healthy Energy Initiative India and Doctors for You, in collaboration with Climate Action Network South Asia and Community Environmental Monitoring, conducted a preliminary multi stakeholder survey of Health System response to Kerala Floods of August 2018 to consolidate the experiences of health care systems in the state.

Download the report.

The survey particularly assessed …

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India | Op-Ed: ‘Pollution is a health emergency’

India | Op-Ed: ‘Pollution is a health emergency’

Dr. Arvind Kumar, a surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi and a founder of the Lung Care Foundation (one of Health Care Without Harm’s partners in India), contributed a powerful op-ed in the Washington Post in which he pointedly calls India’s deadly pollution crisis “a public health emergency.”

He points to lack of awareness as a major barrier to action: “Indians know that pollution is bad for them and their children, but many do not understand the extent to which the damage carries in …

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India | Health assessments mandatory for new thermal plants

The inclusion by the Union environment ministry of mandatory baseline health assessments and periodic health monitoring as a standard condition for all Environmental Clearances for Thermal Power Plants is a welcome first step, according to Healthy Energy Initiative, a coalition of health sector professionals, environmental groups and community organisations advocating for health-based choice of energy sources.

Health — the most important criteria of well-being — has been noticeably absent from EIA processes in India. The inclusion of health assessments is an indication that the concept of …

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Global | Commitments, call to action, and key takeaways from the WHO Air Pollution Conference

Global | Commitments, call to action, and key takeaways from the WHO Air Pollution Conference

Health Care Without Harm participated in the First WHO Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health in Geneva, Switzerland from October 30 – November 1, 2018. Learn more about our engagement at the conference at

“The health of the nation is in peril and the future of our children is at stake. It is time for resolute action, not just seasonal lament.”

– Dr. K. Srinath Reddy (President of the Public Health Foundation of India, a Health Care Without Harm partner) …

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Global | New posters convey powerful messages about air pollution and health

Global | New posters convey powerful messages about air pollution and health

“Air pollution kills. Clean energy saves lives.”

“The air your child breathes is like smoking 20 cigarettes per day.”

“Hospitals are leading the way for clean and healthy air.”

L-R: Aarti Khosla (GSCC India), Christiana Figueres (Mission 2020 Convenor and former head of the UNFCCC), Dr. Arvind Kumar (Founder and Trustee, Lung Care Foundation), and Shweta Narayan (Healthy Energy Initiative India Coordinator)

These are among the simple but powerful messages conveyed in a set of artistic posters that Health Care Without Harm rolled out at the First WHO …

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Philippines | Health Department & Frontline Communities Gather to Discuss Revival of Health Impact Assessment

Philippines | Health Department & Frontline Communities Gather to Discuss Revival of Health Impact Assessment

Frontline communities from various mining, coal and waste districts in the Philippines gathered last Friday to meet with Department of Health (DOH) in an aim to revive the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in light of the influx of environmentally-critical projects in the country.

According to the Department of Health (DOH), HIA is a means for determining the potential and lived health impacts of (1) public policies and (2) development projects in a wide array of sectors. It uses qualitative, quantitative and/or participatory techniques that can provide evidence-based …

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