The Paris Platform for Healthy Energy: About

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The health community around the world is invited to endorse the Paris Platform for Healthy Energy, a statement representing the health sector’s commitment to leadership and advocacy for clean, renewable, healthy energy choices in order to protect public health.

The Paris Platform for Healthy Energy reflects a growing consensus logo_tousensembleamong health professionals and organizations across the globe that shifting to clean, renewable energy will protect public health
from both global climate change and the impacts of local pollution.

A project of the Healthy Energy Initiative, the Platform is being launched prior to the 2015 United Nations Climate Conference (COP21) in Paris. It is intended to serve as a guiding document — in the lead up to, during, and beyond COP21 — for the health sector’s efforts to mobilize globally and in key countries to advocate for healthy energy.

The lead endorsers of the Platform are Health Care Without Harm, the World Federation of Public Health Associations, the Climate and Health Alliance, and the Health and Environment Alliance.FinalHCWHlogowfphalogoshort1CAHAHEAL logo

The Platform is also supported by the World Medical Association. WMA_Logo


While specifically addressing the health impacts of energy, the Paris Platform for Healthy Energy is situated within a growing movement in the health sector to proactively engage on the health dimensions of climate change. To learn more about complementary initiatives from the World Health Organization and other health groups, visit Statements and Resolutions.