Europe | Healthy Energy Position Paper launched at 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

Europe | Healthy Energy Position Paper launched at 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

via the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the Healthy Energy Initiative’s partner in Europe

Check out HEAL’s brand new Healthy Energy Paper in English, Polish and Czech, launched at the 6th Environment and Health conference organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Ostrava, Czech Republic! We are looking into the health risks and opportunities different energy sources and also energy savings imply.

At HEAL, our goals are phasing out fossil fuels …

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Global | New World Bank Report Calls for Health Sector Leadership on Climate

Global | New World Bank Report Calls for Health Sector Leadership on Climate

Geneva— The World Bank Group’s health and climate directors released a report today establishing a new framework for health systems in every country to become leaders in addressing climate change. The report is a joint production with Health Care Without Harm (1).

In its title, the report coins the term Climate-Smart Health Care, an approach that sets forth both low-carbon and resilience strategies. These strategies are designed for the development community, ministries of health, hospitals and health systems to deploy while addressing the health impacts of …

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Global | Health organization leaders launch global campaign on air pollution

Global | Health organization leaders launch global campaign on air pollution

Unmask My City is global initiative by doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, and allied healthcare professionals dedicated to improving air quality and reducing emissions in our cities.

Launching today on World Asthma Day, Unmask My City, a global initiative in 10 cities on five continents, aims to promote practical solutions and create tangible policy changes that drive a clear, downward global trend in urban air pollution by 2030.

This will result in significant reductions in illnesses and deaths as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Through Unmask My …

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South Africa | Death and destruction: What’s left out of energy planning

South Africa | Death and destruction: What’s left out of energy planning

The South African Department of Energy’s released Integrated Resource Plan does not seriously factor in the pollution impact of its current and planned energy mix and appears to have distorted the data to favour coal and nuclear, writes David Hallowes, researcher for groundWork (Healthy Energy Initiative’s partner in South Africa):

Pollution from Eskom’s [coal-fired] power plants result in 2,240 attributable deaths each year. And every day, some 11,000 people are physically restricted in what they can do while 2,700 lose the day’s work. The economic impact is …

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Turkey | Medical award given to HEAL for fighting coal in Bursa

Turkey | Medical award given to HEAL for fighting coal in Bursa

At a ceremony on National Doctor’s Day for Turkey, the Bursa Chamber of Medicine awarded its 2017 Environment Prize to the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the Healthy Energy Initiative’s European partner. The Bursa Chamber of Medicine is the official local branch of the Turkish Medical Association, which has 83,000 members.

The award was given to HEAL in Turkey in recognition of its contribution to resisting the planned DOSAB coal power plant with a 49.9 MW capacity in Bursa, an important industrial centre in western Turkey with …

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Philippines | HCWH-Asia joins national wave of actions against dirty energy

On March 12, Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)-Asia and its Healthy Energy Initiative Philippines campaign joined coal-affected communities and other civil society organizations at a rally in front of the San Miguel Corporation (SMC) headquarters to demand that the company shut down its coal plants in Limay, Bataan, and shift to renewable energy.

“DENR-EMB Region III should no longer gamble with environmental and people’s health by allowing SMC to continue its deleterious operations in Bataan. And SMC, on the other hand, shouldn’t continue to tarnish the goodwill …

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India | Stories from Ennore, where an oil spill only piled on to older, nastier disasters

India | Stories from Ennore, where an oil spill only piled on to older, nastier disasters

Credit: Archanaa Seker and Dharmesh Shah

A doctor alarmed by a stark increase in respiratory diseases.

A grandmother fretting over her grandson’s constant hospital visits.

Fishermen with skin lesions that the local hospital can’t heal.

Teenaged boys with itchy feet from trudging through sludge in order to play cricket.

A fisherman lamenting the loss of a river that was once beautiful, that once cleansed and provided a steady livelihood.

These are some of the stories from the port town of Ennore, on the outskirts of Chennai, told through images and words …

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Australia | Adani coal mine is a public health catastrophe

Australia | Adani coal mine is a public health catastrophe

Dr. Kate Charlesworth, a public health physician in Sydney who works with the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA, Healthy Energy Initiative’s Australia partner), wrote an op-ed in The Examiner about the “unacceptably high” health risks of coal mines.

An excerpt from her article:

Coal mines are a health risk for miners, workers and local communities: they cause higher rates of childhood asthma, heart and lung disease, and some cancers. Frighteningly, there has been a recent resurgence in black lung disease – a potentially fatal disease caused by breathing in …

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US | Health leaders converge with urgency, unity, and even some optimism at Climate and Health Meeting

US | Health leaders converge with urgency, unity, and even some optimism at Climate and Health Meeting

Over 300 health professionals and health scientists around the US and the world united at a landmark Climate and Health Meeting on February 16 to discuss the urgent measures needed to prevent and ameliorate the adverse health impacts of a changing climate.

Originally organized by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention but abruptly cancelled due to concerns about the Trump administration’s stance on climate action, the meeting was reconvened by Former Vice President Al Gore, the American Public Health Association, and health academic institutions.

A …

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Global & India | “State of Global Air” reveals India’s worsening air pollution in global context

Global & India | “State of Global Air” reveals India’s worsening air pollution in global context

The State of Global Air, a new report and interactive website launched by the Health Effects Institute and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, provides a comprehensive, yet succinct, source of trusted information on the levels of and trends in global air pollution, its sources, and its impact on public health.

Among other findings, the report shows that over 90% of the world’s population live in areas where fine particle levels exceed global air quality guidelines, and that India has surpassed China in the unenviable position of having …

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